Here’s some Greyhound trivia: Founded in 1914, Greyhound Lines, Inc. is the largest provider of intercity bus transportation, serving more than 2,300 destinations with 13,000 daily departures across North America.

It has become an American icon, providing safe, enjoyable and affordable travel to nearly 25 million passengers each year. The Greyhound running dog is one of the most-recognized brands in the world. In 1914, Carl Eric Wickman, a miner, was trying to sell the Hupmobile, a 7-passenger auto, to citizens of the Mesabi Iron Ore Range in Minnesota. A failure as a salesman, Wickman used the Hupmobile to open a bus line, carrying passengers between the towns of Hibbing and Alice, a 2-mi. journey. The bus was so popular that Wickman bought more autos and added 3 extra seats to each one. The long, sleek appearance of the “expanded” buses plus their gray color caused someone to remark that they looked “just like greyhounds streaking by.” From then on, Wickman used the slogan, “Ride the Greyhounds.”

PLEASE NOTE: Our website is currently “down” because the domain name needs to be renewed and unfortunately, is still in the name of the people who originally created it–so be patient–hope to have it back up and running in a day or two.

Tonight is a Board Meeting–most of the business will be the Spring Fling–will try to report on it tomorrow or Thursday morning.